Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Wednesday Links to, "A Word from the Lord!"

 Wednesday Links 09112024

Well, Bethlehem it has been a tough week for technology, but God is able to get His message out.    Why don’t we get back at the devil by praying and sending Wednesday Links out to more family and friends?!  Post them to your Facebook and other social media.  Bethlehem, let’s reach more in 2024!!

Watch tonight’s Zoom Bible Study: An Audacious Stand via YouTube now@

Watch tonight’s Zoom Bible Study: An Audacious Stand via Podcast now@

Watch via YouTube Sunday’s Sunday School and Sunday service now 

 Listen via Podcast to the Sunday Service message entitled, “An Audacious Statement” now@

Watch this #RewindWednesday Word from last Wednesday entitled, " How to Be Rooted and Ground in Your Faith…”  Watch now@  The Word starts at 13:00 in this video.